Rotary Tiller

Rotary Tiller is one of the most used Agricultural Equipment, which is equipped with teeth or shanks that are used to pierce the soil for cultivation. It can be used in commercial gardens, household gardens, horticulture & plantation tilling, etc. for primary as well as secondary tillage purpose. For availing the best Cultivator Rotary Tiller, trust none other than Maax Engineering. This Tiller is ideal for both harrowing and plowing for preparing a loose and smooth seedbed.

This Cultivator Tiller has USA engine with 6.5 hp briggs & stratton. It stirs the soil to a greater depth by perfectly converting soil lumps to a tilth. Further, it also controls weeds between crop rows of pulses, tomato, teak, casurina, and others. All these advanced features and advantages have made us a reliable Agricultural Tiller Manufacturer in India.

  • Sturdy construction
  • Ideal for stirring and pulverizing soil
  • Featured with 6.5 hp Briggs & Stratton, USA engine
  • Stirs the soil to a greater depth
  • Convert soil lumps to a tilth with unmatched perfection
Used For
  • Controlling weeds between rows of crops such as tapioca, sugarcane, cotton, casurina, tomato, teak and pulses, whose rows spacing is more than 70 cm.
Technical Specifications
  • Width : 40-60 cm
  • Tilling Depth : 10-15 cm
  • Engine Type : OHV 4-stroke
  • Max Output : 6.5HP/3600rpm
  • Displacement : 196cc
  • Fuel Tank Capacity : 3.6L

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